Guest Post: V is for Vino

Yet another installment from my favorite ghostwriter.  I have a feeling this one may sound as familiar to you as it did to me.  Enjoy!We take so much for granted these days. Turn on the switch and you get light, twist the handle and you get hot water, walk into any kitchen and find a … Continue reading Guest Post: V is for Vino

Guest Post: “Ustedes Me trae de papel”, Uncle Bill…

A dear friend of mine has offered to "ghost write" my U - Z posts for the A to Z Blogging Challenge so that I can take my time to get back into the swing of things. I don't feel comfortable accepting credit for another's work, so I decided to present this to you as … Continue reading Guest Post: “Ustedes Me trae de papel”, Uncle Bill…

U Through Z is for Unscheduled Vacation from Writing due to X-ray Yield Zzzzz…

Well, it was a good run. I'm very proud that I managed to make it to the letter "T" on the "A to Z Challenge" with only a hiccup or two along the way.  I've enjoyed sharing my aviation stories with you, and gained new insights into the ebb and flow of my creativity in … Continue reading U Through Z is for Unscheduled Vacation from Writing due to X-ray Yield Zzzzz…

S is for Snow

There were occasions during my flying career where snow and aviation collided. Ages ago, when I eked out a living as a flight instructor, I was able to earn more money clearing the runways with the owner's decrepit, underpowered, pickup truck rigged with an oversized plow blade and minimal heat, than the way-below-poverty-level income guaranteed … Continue reading S is for Snow

R is for Rock

Freight pilots really are a different breed.  Perhaps it has something to do with the demands of a constantly fluctuating  circadian rhythm or the stress “on time performance” places firmly upon the pilot’s shoulders despite the line of  60,000 foot level 5 thunderstorms stubbornly raging on final approach, but a sense of humor seems to … Continue reading R is for Rock

P is for PIC (Pilot in Command)

PILOT IN COMMAND (PiC) - The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time. The Captain. I am the PIC of my destiny. I am therefore making an executive decision to cheat just a little bit today by revamping an old post so that I can finish another (way overdue) … Continue reading P is for PIC (Pilot in Command)